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General Discussion 💬

Public·5 Pet Parents

Thinking of taking your dog to doggy daycare? 🤔

Daycares can be a great environment for dogs, no matter their breed or size, but there are a few things you’ll want to think of, to keep things positive and safe for your pooch. After all, the more they want to return there, the more you’ll both get out of it!

1. Think of doggie daycare the same way you think of a nightclub.

That’s right.. a nightclub! That’s an environment you probably associate with a lot of people present, moving around, loud music, constant engagement and overall having a good social time (for the most part!).

But we can also agree that nighclubs require you to be in a particular mood, but more importantly comfortable with not only your friends but also brand new people being really close to you. If your dog is comfortable with novelty, fast paced settings and ongoing engagement, then awesome!

2. Duration can make all the difference.

On a similar note, you’ve probably attended a nightclub for a short amount of time if you weren’t enjoying yourself, or simply because you needed a change of scenery. Is there a chance that your dog will feel the same? If so, you’ll want to closely consider the duration that your dog will get to stay there, or at the very least the option for him or her to be able to take breaks, and evern better outside breaks and walks.

I understand that our work schedules can make it challenging to have maximum flexiblity in how long our dogs stay at daycare, while we’re at work. But it’ll go a long way if you can accommodate for short & sweet sessions, at least to start.

3. Behaviour and habits can form anywhere and everywhere.

If you’re leaving your dog at a doggie daycare. Even if they absolutely love it and can handle the amount of time they spend there, make sure that you’re keeping a close eye on any changes in behaviour after your has been at daycare. Doggie daycare staff mean well, and they will do their best to prioritize your dog’s safety.

But given the volume and type of environment, it can sometimes be a lot to ask of an attendee to also keep an eye on every dog’s behaviour and make sure they’re tending to their emotional and mental needs as well.

That’s why it’s super important that you’re closely observing how your dog behaves, particularly in day to day settings, especially if they’re attending doggie daycare regularly. If you can get regular reports, photos and perhaps even videos of how your dog is doing, then you can be as informed as possible in order to decide if daycare is still something that is affecting your dog positively.


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